Taking references and returning primitives from Rust

Let's add a third command to our application:

./count version
./count bytes file.txt
./count characters file.txt

The number of bytes and characters in a file will often be the same. But a byte can only represent 256 different values, and to support all the alphabets out there, and special characters like emojis, UTF-8 encoded text allows for multiple bytes representing single characters.

Example: while the string Kaimū has five characters, it is six bytes long because the ū is a two-byte character.

C has no built-in support for multibyte characters, so let's implement the counting function in Rust, where Unicode characters are first-class citizens.

Dispatching our new command

This time we start from the other side by adding a function declaration for our new function: count_characters(). We also add an else if clause to dispatch the new command in do_calculation():

Filename: src/main.c

// --snip --

void print_version();
uint64_t count_characters(const char* text);

// --snip --

uint64_t do_calculation(const char* command, const char* data) {
    if (strcmp(command, "bytes") == 0) {
        return count_bytes(data);
    } else if (strcmp(command, "characters") == 0) {
        return count_characters(data);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized command: %s\n", command);

Adding a function with parameters and a return type

Filename: src/lib.rs

fn main() {
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::c_char;

// --snip--

pub extern "C" fn count_characters(text: *const c_char) -> u64 {
    let text = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(text) };
    let text = text.to_str().expect("Unicode conversion failed.");

Our new function takes a pointer to C characters, represented by the c_char type from std::os::raw. We then turn it into a CStr with CStr::from_ptr(). CStr is a handy utility class that deals with C string references (i.e. it doesn't try to take ownership of or free the data).

By converting the CStr to a &str, we gain access to Rust's regular string utilities and can proceed with text.chars().count() to get the number of Unicode characters.

The function returns a plain u64, since that type matches the definition of uint64_t on the C side.

Let's try it:

$ cd build
$ cmake --build .
$ echo "Kaimū" > kaimu.txt
$ ./count bytes kaimu.txt
$ ./count characters kaimu.txt

Which types match up?

Here's a quick reference of the most common Rust primitives you can pass directly across the FFI boundary.

u8 / i8uint8_t / int8_t
u16 / i16uint16_t / int16_t
u32 / i32uint32_t / int32_t
u64 / i64uint64_t / int64_t

There are also some compatibility types in std::os::raw for the platform-specific C types. Here's an excerpt:

c_intsigned int
c_uintunsigned int
c_longsigned long
c_ulongunsigned long

NOTE: The C standard does not strictly define the length of float and double, but in practice, this mapping will work on all major platforms. For the paranoid, there's also a c_float and a c_double in std::os::raw.

You can read more detailed documentation about the memory layout of scalar types here.

In the next chapter, we will discover how the function declarations that our C code needs from Rust can be generated automatically instead of the error-prone and tedious task of writing and maintaining them by hand.