Transferring ownership of data

In the previous section we added the ability to run calculations on a comma separated list of filenames, counting characters in e.g. a list of chapters in a book.

But what if you want to add all those counts together, counting the number of characters in the entire book? We'll add a new --csv-merged flag that merges all the files, and run a count on the result:

./count version
./count bytes list.csv [--csv-list | --csv-merged]
./count characters list.csv [--csv-list | --csv-merged]

Supplied with the same files as the previous chapter, it should work like this:

$ ./count characters list.csv --csv-merged

To make things interesting we will implement this with a Rust function that takes ownership of the incoming CSV data, and that returns an owned string of the merged file content. We want something like this:

fn main() {
pub extern "C" fn csv_merge_files(csv: *mut c_char) -> *mut c_char;

Transferring ownership means that csv should be free'd by csv_merge_files, and preferably not be used anymore by the caller. The caller also has to make sure the returned string is dropped. We'll get back to how we deal with this a little bit later.

The new function will also have to read the files before it can merge them together. Our application already has a file-module written in C, and we're going to reuse that logic. Calling C functions from Rust in the topic of the next section, so we'll make a mock module to help us in the meantime:

Filename: src/modules/file/

fn main() {
pub struct File(String);

impl File {
    pub fn to_str(&self) -> &str {
        if self.0 == "" {
            "# Getting started\n"
        } else if self.0 == "" {
            "# Wrapping up\n"
        } else {
            panic!("No content defined for file: {}", self.0);

pub fn read_file(filename: &str) -> File {

Add the new module to our library:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
mod modules {
    mod csv;
    mod file;

// --snip--

Before we forget, let's add the new file to the RUST_LIB_SOURCES list in CMakeLists.txt: ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/modules/file/


It would of course have been easier to rewrite the file_read() function completely in Rust, but with this project we want to show how you can reuse pre-existing code. When gradually porting a real world application, this is a useful skill.

Merging the files

The file merging logic is rather simple. We read each file, and push the text content to a merged string:

Filename: src/modules/

fn main() {
use crate::modules::file;

// --snip--

fn merge_files(csv: &str) -> String {
    let mut merged = String::new();
    for value in csv.split(",") {
        let file = file::read_file(value.trim());

We also need an FFI wrapper to be able to call it from C:

Filename: src/modules/

fn main() {
// --snip--

mod ffi {
    // --snip--

    pub extern "C" fn csv_merge_files(csv: *mut c_char) -> *mut c_char {
        let csv_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(csv) }.to_str().unwrap();
        let merged = super::merge_files(&csv_str);

CString::into_raw is the only thing new here. It gives us a *mut char and consumes the original CString. The last part is important - to stop the CString destructor from immediately clearing the string upon returning. We transfer ownership of the data to C.

Putting the pieces together

To be able to pass along the new flag, we need to update our command line parser:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
// --snip--

/// cbindgen:prefix-with-name
pub enum FileMode {

pub extern "C" fn parse_args(argc: usize, argv: *const *const c_char) -> Arguments {
    // --snip--

    let file_mode = if let Some(csv_flag) = arguments.get(3).copied() {
        let csv_flag = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(csv_flag) }.to_str().unwrap();
        match csv_flag {
            "--csv-list" => FileMode::CsvList,
            "--csv-merged" => FileMode::CsvMerged,
            _ => panic!("CSV flag not recognized: {csv_flag}")
    } else {

    // --snip--

And we also need to update our main()-function to use the new function:

Filename: src/main.c

// --snip--

int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    // --snip--

    switch (args.file_mode) {
        // --snip--
        case FileMode_CsvMerged: {
            char* csv = file_to_string(file_read(args.filename));
            char* content = csv_merge_files(csv);
            const size_t result = do_calculation(args.command, content);

    // --snip--

We read the CSV file, and pass it onto csv_merge_files(). Since all the file reading is already done once we have the merged content, we skip right ahead to do_calculation() and print_result().

We can go ahead and test the new functionality:

$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .
$ echo "," > list.csv
$ ./count characters list.csv --csv-merged

This is indeed the output we expected. The files and have 32 charactes in total.

But while we passed ownership of data in both directions, we never did any cleanup. For a small program like this it wouldn't really matter, as the operating system will reclaim the memory when the process finishes. It is however a good practice to free all the memory you use, and in a long running or data intensive application it is strictly necessary, lest you'll run out of memory eventually.

Freeing up memory from the other side

We cannot reliably free C allocated memory from Rust, and vice versa. It has to be free'd / dropped where it was created. In practice this means that if you transfer ownership of heap allocated data across the language border, you also have to provide a way to deallocate that data.

Let's start with the csv argument that we pass to csv_merge_files(). Alongside our data, we require a callback function, free_csv, that will free it. We use this callback to free csv as soon as we're done with it:

Filename: src/modules/

fn main() {
mod ffi {
    // --snip--

    pub extern "C" fn csv_merge_files(
        csv: *mut c_char,
        free_csv: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_char),
    ) -> *mut c_char {
        let csv_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(csv) }.to_str().unwrap();
        unsafe { free_csv(csv); }
        let merged = super::merge_files(&csv_str);

// --snip--

We need to update main.c to pass along the callback:

Filename: src/main.c

// --snip--

int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    // --snip--

    switch (args.file_mode) {
        // --snip--
        case FileMode_CsvMerged: {
            // --snip--
            char* content = csv_merge_files(csv, file_free_string);
            // --snip--

// --snip--

After these changes, csv_merge_files() is truly the responsible owner of csv. But it also returns data, that we should deal with. We start by adding a function for C to free the data:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
mod ffi {

    pub extern "C" fn csv_free_merged_file(merged: *mut c_char) {
        unsafe { CString::from_raw(merged) };


At first glance it might look like this code is doing nothing. But just like CString::into_raw() transfers ownership away from an object, CString::from_raw() will reclaim it. Since the CString immediately goes out of scope, it's destructor will be called, and the data will be deallocated. Let's clean up after ourselves in main.c:

Filename: src/main.c

// --snip--

int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    // --snip--

    switch (args.file_mode) {
        // --snip--

        case FileMode_CsvMerged: {
            char* csv = file_to_string(file_read(args.filename));
            char* content = csv_merge_files(csv, file_free_string);
            const size_t result = do_calculation(args.command, content);

    // --snip--

A call to csv_free_merged_file() has been added, and all memory should now explicitly have been taken care of.

References vs owned data

When you transfer data to or from C, you generally have to read the documentation to know who's the owner of the data after the function call has happened.

We've created a mini-reference below for how you can pass common types of heap data through FFI.

Passing heap data from C to Rust

From -> toConversion
*const c_char -> &str (reference)unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(char_ptr) }.to_str().unwrap()
*mut c_char -> &str (owned)unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(char_ptr) }.to_str().unwrap()
*const u8 + len -> &[u8] (reference)unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len) }
*const u8 + len -> &[u8] (owned)unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len) }

Remember that if you transfer ownership, you should also supply a callback or a function to free the memory.

Passing heap data from Rust to C

From -> toConversion
&str -> *const c_char (reference)CString::new(rust_str).unwrap().as_ptr()
String -> *mut c_char (owned)CString::new(rust_str).unwrap().into_raw()

unsafe { CString::from_raw(char_ptr) };
&[u8] -> *const u8 (reference)u8_slice.as_ptr()
Vec -> *mut u8 (owned)vec.shrink_to_fit();
let mut vec = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(vec);
let ptr = vec.as_mut_ptr()
let len = v.len();

unsafe {
    Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, len)
RustType -> *const RustType (reference)&rust_obj as *const RustType
RustType -> *mut RustType (owned)Box::into_raw(Box::new(rust_obj));

unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr) };

In the next section we will give you even more control, by enabling you to call any C function directly from Rust, not just callbacks.