Shared structs and enums

The current program works if you pass the correct command line arguments, but if a user tries to call it without any arguments it will fail with a segfault:

$ ./count
zsh: segmentation fault  ./count

To improve upon this, we'll add error handling by validating the command line arguments passed in by the user.

Let's start by adding a struct to represent the command line arguments, and an enum to hold the chosen command.

Filename: src/

fn main() {
// --snip--

pub struct Arguments {
    command: Command,
    filename: *const c_char,

pub enum Command {

We use *const c_char instead of the built-in String type because we intend to read the filename property from our C code.

Let's define the interface of the function that will parse the arguments:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
// --snip--

pub extern "C" fn parse_args(argc: usize, argv: *const *const c_char) -> Arguments {
    let arguments = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(argv, argc) };

    // --snip--

    Arguments { command, filename }

We define argc and argv to mimic the parameters our entry point takes in main.c. There's a subtle difference in that usize translates to uintptr_t, not size_t as one might have thought. Although not guaranteed by the C standard, size_t is smaller or equal to unitptr_t in all known implementations, so we should be fine.

The two parameters are then upgraded to a slice (&[*const c_char]) for easier access. This is unsafe because we have to promise the compiler that argv contains exactly argc elements. Once the slice is created, its elements can be accessed safely.

Let's see how we can convert the second element to a Command:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
// --snip--

pub extern "C" fn parse_args(argc: usize, argv: *const *const c_char) -> Arguments {
    // --snip--

    let command = arguments.get(1).copied().expect("Missing command.");
    let command = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(command) }.to_str().unwrap();
    let command = match command {
        "version" => Command::Version,
        "bytes" => Command::Bytes,
        "characters" => Command::Characters,
        _ => panic!("Command not recognized: {command}")

    // --snip--

We use three separate steps to gradually turn command into the type we want it to be:

  1. We .get() the second element of the arguments slice, make a copy of the referenced pointer, and trigger a panic! if it's missing. If everything worked as expected, we now have a *const c_char.
  2. The pointer is then fed in to Cstr::from_ptr, which is unsafe because we have to promise that our string is zero-terminated (ends with a \0 character). We then convert it to an &str.
  3. Lastly, we use a match expression to map it to the correct Command.

The filename also needs to be handled:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
// --snip--

pub extern "C" fn parse_args(argc: usize, argv: *const *const c_char) -> Arguments {
    // --snip--

    let filename = arguments.get(2).copied();
    if filename.is_none() && command != Command::Version {
        panic!("Missing filename.");
    let filename = filename.unwrap_or(ptr::null());

    // --snip--

We only require the filename to be present if the command is something else than "version". In the other case, we create a null pointer by calling ptr::null().

Inspecting the generated bindings

Let's have a look at the generated C bindings by running a cargo build:

Filename: target/bridge/bindings.h

// --snip--

typedef struct Arguments Arguments;

void print_version(void);

uint64_t count_characters(const char *text);

struct Arguments parse_args(uintptr_t argc, const char *const *argv);

We have a problem! The Arguments is defined as an opaque struct. So while we can get a handle on it, we won't be able to access any of its fields in C.

The reason that cbindgen went for the opaque type is that Rust's default data layout is incompatible with C. Luckily, Rust has an attribute called repr, that will fix that problem for us:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
// --snip --

pub struct Arguments {
    command: Command,
    filename: *const c_char,

pub enum Command {

// --snip --

With this fix in hand, we can do another cargo build and look at cbindgen's output.

Filename: target/bridge/bindings.h

// --snip--

typedef enum Command {
} Command;

typedef struct Arguments {
  enum Command command;
  const char *filename;
} Arguments;

// --snip--

This looks much better! But let's ask cbindgen to prefix our enum values to reduce the risk of a name colission:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
// --snip --

/// cbindgen:prefix-with-name
pub enum Command {

// --snip --

A rebuild should change the Command enum to this:

Filename: target/bridge/bindings.h

// --snip--

typedef enum Command {
} Command;

// --snip--

That looks much better! Let's take it for a spin.

Using our argument parser

Using our new argument parsing function is fairly straightforward:

Filename: src/main.c

// --snip--

int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    const Arguments args = parse_args(argc, argv);

    if (args.command == Command_Version) {
        return 0;

    run_command_for_file(args.command, args.filename);
    return 0;

// --snip--

This won't work quite yet - we also have to update the command type in run_command_for_file and do_calculation:

Filename: src/main.c

// --snip--

void run_command_for_file(Command command, const char* filename);
uint64_t do_calculation(Command command, const char* data);

// --snip--

void run_command_for_file(const Command command, const char* filename) {
    // --snip--

uint64_t do_calculation(const Command command, const char* data) {
    switch (command) {
        case Command_Bytes:
            return count_bytes(data);
        case Command_Characters:
            return count_characters(data);
            fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized command: %i\n", command);

// --snip--

Now that command is an enum, we can get rid of all the calls to strcmp, and we can also opt to use a switch statement.

Build and run the application to see the input validation in action:

$ cmake --build .
$ ./count
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'Missing command.', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
fatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5
zsh: abort      ./count

Panicking is a very crude form of error handling, but at least we give the user a hint that there's a 'Missing command.'.

Sharing structs across the FFI boundary is a useful technique when your function is dealing with more than simple values. In the next section we will show how you can send function callbacks from C to Rust.